James, a penetration tester, found a SQL injection vulnerability in the website http://www.xsecurity.com. He used sqlmap and extracted the website’s databases from the sql server, one of them being “offices.” Which among the following sqlmap queries does James issue in order to extract the tables related to the database “offices”?

James, a penetration tester, found a SQL injection vulnerability in the website http://www.xsecurity.com. He used sqlmap and extracted the website’s databases from the sql server, one of them being “offices.” Which among the following
sqlmap queries does James issue in order to extract the tables related to the database “offices”?

sqlmap -u “www.xsecurity.com” --dbs offices -T
sqlmap -u “www.xsecurity.com” --dbs offices --T
sqlmap -u “www.xsecurity.com” --dbs offices -tables
sqlmap -u “www.xsecurity.com” --dbs offices --tables


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